By practicing good oral hygiene, our teeth can be strong and healthy. However, without it, we may find ourselves facing some serious dental problems.
Root canals are one of the most common dental procedures, and it involves removing the infected pulp and cleaning the inside of the tooth. It may seem scary, but with the dental technology available today, your dentist can make the treatment more comfortable for you.
Since a root canal involves infected teeth, it is essential to see your dentist as soon as you suspect you might have one so that they can address the problem. Here are five common warning signs of a root canal that you should keep in mind.
1. Persistent Tooth Pain
Tooth pain is a common sign that something is wrong. You should not feel pain when you eat or touch your teeth. If you do, then this may indicate nerve damage or severe tooth decay.
It could also be that you experience persistent tooth pain that keeps coming back. The pain might be prolonged or come at several times in a day. While this pain might not necessarily call for a root canal, it can still be a sign of a different dental problem. Whichever the case, it’s best to see your dentist whenever you feel pain in your teeth.
2. Swollen Gums
The dead pulp in your problematic tooth may produce acidic waste that can cause your gums to swell. The swelling may be painful to touch and may come and go. You may also find little pimples on your gums that could ooze out pus from the tooth infection. If this is the case, you might need to get a root canal.
3. Discoloration
Tooth discoloration is one clear sign that something is up. If your tooth begins to look grayish-black, you might need to see a root canal dentist.
The tooth’s infected pulp can lead to tooth discoloration. This could indicate damage in the roots and would need to be fixed. Tooth discoloration could also indicate other dental problems, so it will always be a good idea to see a dentist when you notice any discoloration in your teeth.
4. Sensitivity to Heat and Cold
Feeling pain in your teeth when you eat something cold or hot may signify infected blood vessels or nerves in the teeth. You may experience a dull ache or sharp pain in your teeth, and this pain could even continue after you’ve stopped eating. It’s best to see a root canal dentist when you start to experience sensitivity to heat and cold.
5. Chipped or Cracked Teeth
You might accidentally chip or crack your teeth while playing sports or chewing something hard. While it might seem like a simple aesthetic problem at first, chipped or cracked teeth can actually lead to infection. It’s best to see a root canal dentist after a tooth injury, even if no visible damage is seen as the nerve may still become inflamed and require root canal treatment.
Root canals are essential for removing decaying or infected tooth pulp from the teeth and disinfecting the affected tooth. The procedure might seem scary at first, but the right root canal dentist can make the treatment comfortable for you. When you experience persistent tooth pain, swollen gums, tooth discoloration, sensitivity to heat and cold, or chipped teeth, it’s best to see a dentist for a potential root canal.
If you need a good root canal dentist in Mansfield, TX, you can count on Ivy Rose Family Dentistry for a gentle and painless procedure. We provide personal, passionate service across a spectrum of dental services, such as root canals, cleanings, dental crowns, teeth whitening, dentures, and more. Make an appointment today!