Many people don’t look forward to root canal surgery because they believe they can’t eat delicious food while recovering. The good news is that you have a long list of tasty, nutritious food you can eat. Although you might not be able to enjoy your favorite food when recovering from the procedure, it’ll only be a few weeks before you’re fully healed and back to indulging in the treats you love.
The key to a smooth recovery after a root canal is to eat food that won’t irritate the surgery site. You’ll likely be famished after your dental appointment. However, it’s ideal to avoid eating until the numbness from the anesthetic has wholly subsided, so you don’t accidentally bite an area that has yet to regain sensation fully. Here’s what you need to know about eating after a root canal:
The Food You Can Eat
As a rule of thumb, when you’re recovering from a root canal, you should stick to soft food that’s effortless to chew. That way, you’ll avoid irritating your wounds, allowing them to heal without interference.
There are plenty of soft foods that are delicious and nutritious. For breakfast, you can opt for scrambled eggs, yogurt, or even a smoothie, which will also help you get your sugar fix. If you’re looking for a filling meal, try mashed potatoes, meatloaf, or a meal with shredded meat in it. If you love snacking, opt for ripe, canned, or cooked fruit, but you can also try soft cheese or peanut butter.
Quinoa, couscous, pasta, and noodles can help you feel full while giving you the necessary nutrients, and cooked vegetables blended into a soup will provide you with something easy to eat. Soft bread, saltines, and matzah will also be simple to chew. You can also ask your root canal dentist for a more detailed list of food you can eat.
What You Shouldn’t Eat After a Root Canal
On the other hand, there are a few foods you should stay away from to enjoy a smooth, quick recovery. Generally, you should avoid hard and sticky foods that will hurt the recent work done, as they can go as far as displacing a temporary crown. Overly hot or cold drinks are also a no-go since you’ll likely experience temperature sensitivity in your teeth after the procedure, so consume food and beverages at mild temperatures.
Root Canal Aftercare
Now that your family dentist has completed the procedure, you’re done with the most challenging part. It’s now time to rest and focus on proper aftercare so you can prevent complications in your recovery. Even though you’ve just had a procedure done, it is safe to go back to your routine of brushing twice daily and flossing once. Be sure to exercise extra caution around sensitive areas and not floss near your temporary filling or crown, as you may accidentally remove it.
You may experience some discomfort after your root canal, but this should resolve after a few days. Rinsing with lukewarm salt water may provide some relief, along with over-the-counter medications your family dentist will recommend to help treat your symptoms. Lastly, no matter how tempting it may be, be sure to avoid hard, sticky foods while you’re recovering. Overly hot or cold food or drinks will also irritate the area, so stick to soft foods until you’re cleared to eat normally again.
Getting a root canal used to be frightening, but you’ll have a straightforward procedure with today’s technology and the right root canal dentist. By following our guide and sticking to a diet of soft foods, you’ll enjoy a smooth recovery process.
IvyRose Family Dentistry is a root canal dentist in Mansfield specializing in performing painless root canals. We also have a wide variety of dental services, like dental crowns, dentures, dental cleanings, and many more. Contact us today to request an appointment!